“Meet Tamar Avishai, the art history buff you wish was next to you as you stare blankly at a white canvas with some splotches of paint on it."
WIRED Magazine
Photo by Adrianne Mathiowetz Photography
Tamar Avishai | Creator and Host
Tamar is an art historian turned finance administrator turned independent radio producer. She worked for years as an art history instructor and an adjunct lecturer at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. She currently resides in Shaker Heights, OH, by way of Somerville, MA, with her husband, two sons, and a squishy gray cat named Egon (yes, after the Viennese Expressionist), and picks a banjo in her spare time.
tamar [at] thelonelypalette [dot] com | www.tamaravishai.com
Debbie Blicher | Assistant Producer
Debbie is an independent radio producer and essayist. Formerly a speech scientist, writing professor, and software quality engineer, she’s a geek-of-all-trades with a mean set of ears. Debbie lives outside Boston with her husband, two children, and two redfoot tortoises named Frida Kahlo and Camille Claudel. If you can’t find her, she’s probably outside.
Find her work here.