Tamar Avishai

Episode 68: Felix Gonzalez-Torres' Untitled (March 5th) #2 (1991)

Tamar Avishai
Episode 68: Felix Gonzalez-Torres' Untitled (March 5th) #2 (1991)
The only thing permanent is change.
— Felix Gonzalez-Torres

There is no way around it. The work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres, a gay, Cuban-American artist who responded to - and died during - the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 90s, is sad. His work is a memorial, both to a lost generation and to his own partner, Ross. Yet it is through these seemingly banal, industrial, or every day materials, and the powerful metaphor that they represent, that we can best get to the root of what loss can mean. And, maybe, healing as well.

Images Referenced:

Music Used:

  • The Blue Dot Sessions, “A Little Powder,” “Lerennis,” “Taoudella,” “The Melt,” “Rafter”

  • Open Book, “Second Chance

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