Episode 2: Christian Boltanski's Lumieres (blue square - Sylvie) (2000)
The less information you have, the more open the work, the more you can think about it.
— Christian Boltanski

Click to enlarge image.

Forty-eight blue light bulbs and brass sockets, wires, copy of black and white photograph framed between Plexiglas and cardboard sealed with black tape.

87 in. (221 cm) x 51 in. (129.5 cm). Located at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Music used:

The Blue Dot Sessions, “That Horse Ithica”, “The Terrarium”, “That River Wide”

The Andrews Sisters, "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen"

Joe Dassin, “Les Champs-Elysees”

Tri-Tachyon, “Little Lily Swing”