Tamar standing in the center of Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty just after destroying her rental car's suspension.

Tamar standing in the center of Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty just after destroying her rental car's suspension.

The Lonely Palette

The Podcast

The Lonely Palette is a bi-weekly podcast that aims to return art history to the masses, one painting at a time.  Based out of - but not affiliated with - the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Tamar picks a painting du jour, interviews unsuspecting passers-by, and then dives deep into the object, the movement, the social context, and anything and everything else that will make it as exciting to you as it is to her.

Tamar Avishai

Creator & Host

Tamar is an art historian turned finance administrator turned independent radio producer.  She can be found monthly doing what you're hearing live! as an adjunct lecturer at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

